Thursday, January 3, 2013


I feel like I am starving today having recently cut out allot of carbs from my diet.  Ok, I know I am not "starving" but my mind and my stomach (well mostly my mind) tell me otherwise.

So I find ways to divert my thoughts of eating junk food and watch that I don't overdose on "healthy foods"...all in moderation, right.  Which brings me in a round about way of thinking about the Dharma.

I have to strive...wait, not just strive....I have to fight damn walk the middle way when it comes to my health.  I have to keep my emotional and physical cravings in check.

And yet...

I do not feel a craving when it comes to my spiritual and religious life......not in the sense of feeling that I am starving or in need of more.  What more could I ask for as a Shin Buddhist?  When it comes to Amida Buddha's Infinite Wisdom and Infinite Compassion that is directed towards me, there is absolutely nothing more to ask for...nothing.  I can give "up" to Amida's embrace and be grateful.

Thank you.


Namu Amida Butsu

1 comment:

  1. Already a GREAT BLOG !
    Thank you Diane!
    Thank you to the Great Consolation !! (sanpai)

    vincent from fb
