Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Distraction (Journal Notes 1-29-2013)

I am distracted easily.

I am distracted by my thoughts, dreams and desires.

I get distracted by the chatter in my head.

I have always been able to relate to the idea of "monkey mind".

Picture you mind like a beautiful tree...each thought, each memory, each idea is a branch...growing, blooming, fading when done, renewing again...

and then come the monkeys...

those wild thoughts jumping from branch to branch...the negative thoughts, the wild desires, the great joys, overwhelming happiness, schemes and plans....monkeys, monkeys everywhere...

How do I calm those monkeys...I certainly don't want to kill them off or starve them or cage them...I want my thoughts to be free to jump and spin and flip around..that is creativity in full bloom.

but there are moments when I get attached to one thought and ignore others...not good

or there are thoughts that I allow to beat me down into a dark place emotionally...not good

or, on a lighter note, there are thoughts that make me so excited and happy that I just want them to last and last at all costs....not good either

so what do I do to calm my mind..not sure I will ever master that task!

The monkey mind is truly a condition of being human.

When all else fails I remember that
this mighty monkey mind of mine
has its roots deeply anchored
to my heart.
A heart that I share with Amida Buddha.

Amida grasps me tightly when my mind begins to creek and moan with the weight of so many thoughts.
Living a life in the Nembutsu doesn't prune the thoughts...The Nembusu sheds light on each and every one.

Namu Amida Butsu makes me take notice, settle down and know Amida.

Know Amida, know yourself....

Let the Nembutsu grow on you and in you....building strong, deep roots that will support you...just as you are!

Thank you,