Sunday, September 15, 2013

Amida is all I have

Amida is all I have
That is all that is needed
Namu Amida Butsu is all I have
That is all that is needed
Namu Amida Butsu
Completely grateful!

Thank you

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone while sitting on a lotus blossom and dipping my toes in the mud.

Saturday, September 7, 2013

Simply grateful

Simply grateful for the chance
to call your name
Namu Amida Butsu

Thank you

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone while sitting on a lotus blossom and dipping my toes in the mud.

All we need is Amida

All we need is Amida
Love is upon us
Amida is here
In the Vow
made for you
Embraced by
Amida's light and life
All that we need is Amida

Namu Amida Butsu

Thank you,

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone while sitting on a lotus blossom and dipping my toes in the mud.

Thursday, September 5, 2013

Depressed Shin Buddhist

Depressed Shin Buddhist

Here I am
back ache
leg ache
head ache
daughter is ill
my heart aches

feels unstoppable

I am a Shin Buddhist
I am depressed
I am grateful because
Namu Amida Butsu
is right here with me
right here
right now
in the midst
of it all.........................

thank you, Amida!
