Sunday, January 27, 2013

Out of the mouths of babes...

January 27, 2013

Today, I went to the Oregon Buddhist Temple.  I brought my dear friend, Julie and her 5 year old granddaughter, Annie.  I also brought along a friend of mine named Emma.  Emma is 8 years old.  Emma and Annie attended a special Children's Service while we attended service in the Hondo. We had a wonderful visit to temple and as always, Rev. Greg Gibbs delivered a great Dharma message.  After temple, the four of us went for lunch, ice cream and then did some shopping.  Girls day out!  It was then time to drop Emma off at her home and for the rest of us to head back to our homes in Rainier, Oregon (about 1 hour drive away from Portland, Oregon).  Ten minutes after I dropped off Emma, I receive a frantic phone call from her.

Emma then proceeded to ask me the following questions:

"I forgot the words I am supposed to say to the Buddha!!  What are those Japanese words I am supposed to say when I pray to the Buddha?"

I say, "Oh you must mean Namu Amida Butsu?"

She said, "Yes!! That's it...can you spell that for me?  What should I pray for when I stand in front of the Buddha?"

I could not help but to smile when she asked me these questions!  She was quite sincere and she wanted to make sure she was "doing it the right way" when it came to talking to the Buddha.

You see, today was Emma's and Annie's first experience with Buddhism.  Their first encounter with Amida Buddha.  Their first time putting their hands together in Gassho.  Their first time offering incense.  

I encountered Buddhism when I was 29 years old.  I came to know Jodo Shinshu when I was 33 years old.  At the age of 40 I received Tokudo (ordination).  This year I will celebrate (if causes and conditions allow) my 50th birthday!  Times stands still for no one.

So today, two little girls met Amida Buddha for the first time.  Their shining faces looked into Amida's face with great curiosity and wonder.  They have many questions.  I hope I have some answers.

My wish for you...
Yes, you reading this right now...

My wish is that you will look into Amida's face with great curiosity and wonder.  Allow your child-like curiosity to return.

Look to Amida with the eyes of a child.

Listen to what your heart has to say.

Listen, and you will hear Namu Amida Butsu for the first time!

Thank you,

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