Saturday, January 19, 2013

Heart wide open...

It hasn't all sunk in yet.  Just spent the last 6 hours hearing the great wisdom of Rev. Dr. Mark Unno.

I mind feels full and my heart feels cracked open wide.

It is quite reminiscent of my time during Tokudo training.  That is how I feel; vulnerable, small, and humbled.

One question posed to us during the seminar:

Who am I really?

Deeply question the labels we have put on ourselves.

Allow the light of Amida to illuminate you with the light of truth.

Allow the Nembutsu to become the power that drives you through life.

Another statement that stuck with me from today's lecture:

It is often said that "failure is not an option."

Well in Shin Buddhism "failure is a necessity!"

I get that. I get that on a deep deep heart level. 

I am not a failure as a person. No matter how I may have screwed up in my life...I am ok in the Nembutsu.  My karmic path in life is what it is; even if I try my darndest to change, to be a good person.   Recognizing that failure is necessary in order to have a point of reference for success is essential.  One's appreciation for both success and  failure serves as a touchstone for the realization of gratefulness in one's life. 

Amida's Compassion is unconditional...I am embraced just as I am.  As you live the Nembutsu please remember entrusting is essential.  It is of the utmost importance to hear Amida's call.

When you utter the Nembutsu..your breath is the breath of Amida, your voice is Amida's voice calling Namu Amida become Amida's expression of limitless compassion and wisdom.

I am grateful grateful for the opportunity to hear so many great teachers in my life.

Rev. Unno and Rev. Gibbs are two such teachers.

Humbly your student...

Thank you,


  1. I found you via twitter. Thanks for your blog, it is a great resource.


  2. Thank you for reading my blog Kosen.

    In gassho,
