Monday, January 28, 2013

Rejoice in the happiness!

"The Buddha-Dharma is difficult to follow,
       because the Primal Vow Power is difficult to understand;
     The Buddha-Dharma is easy to follow,
       because the Parent is with us."

"Nembutsu is praising and acknowledging the benevolence.
       It is the manifestation of the mind to praise the Tathagata
      and rejoice in the happiness given to us."

"To study Buddhism is to study the Tathagata's Mind of
        Great Compassion."

-Zuiken Inagaki Sensei


There is so much I do not understand.  My mind whirls like a tornado at times...causing great destruction.  When my mind is calm, I hear the Nembutsu clearly without fail.

The Call of the Compassionate and Wise Buddha never fails me....yet, I often fail to hear the call of Amida because my mind is distracted and my heart is heavy.

Every breath is a new opportunity to say Namu Amida Butsu!

Keep breathing....

Keep hearing the Call.....

Keep the Nembutsu close to your heart.....

Keep the joy present in all that you do.....

Namu Amida Butsu

Thank you,

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