Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Every day is a Nembutsu day!

My mind is tired tonight.
Not much in the way of spiritual thoughts.
I am glad that I made the comittment to write everyday.
Today is the 22nd day of my efforts to share some of my thoughts about living the life of a Shin Buddhist.
It is not always easy to share what I am thinking.
I don't want to sound like a broken record.
If I have too many "dark" days in a row, my writings are going to reflect my struggle.
Hang in there (if you following my posts).
I try to convey my heartfelt feelings.
I am being brutally honest.
The longer I sit here in from of the computer, the better I feel about writing.

Every day is a Nembutsu day!
Every day I am aware of Amida's compassion and wisdom.
Every day I am grateful for the causes and conditions that brought me to Buddhism.
Every day I am grateful for the causes and conditions that brought me to Jodo Shinshu.
Every day I am grateful for this life!
Every day is a Nembutsu day!

Every day....
Every day....


Namu Amida Butsu!

Thank you,