Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Three simple words to describe Shin Buddhism

I recently attended the NW Buddhist Conference of BCA temples and had the honor of hearing Rev Jeff Wilson give a dharma talk.

He said that Shin Buddhism could be described in three basic words..not Buddhist words...but everyday words that anyone can relate to:




Here are my thoughts on these three words.

Three words of action.....three words the simply describe the practice of Jodo Shinshu.

Relax....you don't need to do special practices ... Just relax...

Trust....trust in the working of Compassion...trust in Amida's vow..trust that your heart is embraced by Namu Amida Butsu

Thank....be thankful for this moment, this life, this awareness of compassion and wisdom that embraces us all...give thanks for hearing the call of Amida.

Even if no one has ever heard about Buddhism or Jodo Shinshu or Amida or Shinjin...we can set those words aside in the beginning when someone asks us "what is Shin Buddhism all about anyway?"

A simple answer will naturally lead to more questions and more study...but we must start from a basic and simple beginning point...




This is my Shin Buddhism ...

- Namu Amida Butsu

Thank you Jeff for the inspiration!

Thank you

1 comment:

  1. try explaining that to a wall street banker or to a homeless family with kids...
