Friday, August 23, 2013

Grateful for the chance

I am grateful for the chance to share my thoughts about Amida.

Not wanting to cause harm..
Not wanting to cause grief..
I want to help...not sure if I can...

This robe I wear is merely a silk cocoon wrapped around a foolish worm that is being transformed by Amida.

Grateful for the chance
Grateful to Amida

Name Amida Butsu


- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone while sitting on a lotus blossom and dipping my toes in the mud.

Thursday, August 8, 2013

Amida Amida

Amida Amida

calling, calling

please hear me, hear me

Amida Amida

calling, calling

I hear you, hear you

Amida Amida

calling, calling

Namu Amida Butsu, Namu Amida Butsu

My faith.....

(in a dream....a few nights a go I tossed and turned with the following words running and running through my mind...I kept turning the words around and trying them all in different groupings.....I had to wake myself up to stop the "running running mind" of mine...I then took my phone from my bedside table and emailed myself the following words so I wouldn't I could share today...)

My faith
is based
on the belief
that my life
is an expression
of Amida's Vow..........

My life
is based
on the belief
that my faith
is an expression
of Amida's Vow..........

Namu Amida Butsu

thank you,

Monday, August 5, 2013

Gone gone gone...

I have been gone for awhile.

Fell down on my promise to myself to write every day.

I failed to inspire even myself.

I have many excuses to lean on.

Depression set in...

Pain set in...

Sorrow set in...

Life carried on as it normally does....

I just didn't carry on writing..

Now here I am again

trying to find my voice

my words

my inspiration

here I am Amida...

back again

face towards the light

smiling again

grateful for your grasp

grateful that

even in the dark

I know you are shining...

Namu Amida Butsu

thank you,